Sunday, December 30, 2012

Nashville Zoo FrogWatch USA...

Nashville Zoo FrogWatch USA

It won’t be long before the frogs and toads begin to fill the air with their calls to remind us that spring is here. Tennessee is home to 21 native species of amphibians and is a perfect place to hear the variety of frogs and toads that call Tennessee their home. Unfortunately scientists estimate that half of all amphibian species may be threatened with extinction. But there is something you can do to help! Join FrogWatch USA! As a volunteer-based monitoring program, FrogWatch USA gives citizens across the country an opportunity to be directly involved in gathering information that can ultimately lead to practical and workable ways to stop amphibian decline. By collecting data on local frogs, you can help conserve these incredible animals and help preserve them for future generations.

You do not have to be a frog or toad expert to be a FrogWatch USA volunteer. All you need is an interest in frogs and toads and a willingness to participate in a volunteer training session with a commitment to monitor a site for at least three minutes twice a week throughout the breeding season. An ideal habitat consists of a wetland, such as a marsh, swamp, or pond that is quiet, safe at night and convenient for you to visit a few times a week. It could a creek, a favorite hiking trail or campground or even your backyard!

This program is free and open to anyone, individuals and families, who are interested in learning more about our local frogs and toads and wetlands. To become a FrogWatcher all you need to is attend our training sessions and commit to site monitoring at least once a week during the breeding season.

Upcoming Volunteer Training Sessions at the Nashville Zoo
Saturday, Jan. 19 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. General Training
Please pre-register for the training sessions by calling (615)-833-1534 ext. 141 or email

General information about FrogWatch can be found at

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